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All the enterprises of city Mirniy (the cosmodrome Plesetsk) on this site
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The catalogue of sites of city Mirniy (the cosmodrome Plesetsk) here
Official site of city Mirniy (the cosmodrome Plesetsk) here
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Picture album of city Mirniy (the cosmodrome Plesetsk) here
The full information on city Mirniy (the cosmodrome Plesetsk) here
Cosmodrome " Plesetsk " is located in 180 kilometers to the south from Arkhangelsk. Settling down on slightly hilly plain, it borrows the area of 1762 square kilometers, reaching with the north on the south on 46 kilometers and from the east on the West on 82 kilometers with the center having geographical coordinates of 63 degrees of northern breadth and 41 degree of east longitude. Cosmodrome " Plesetsk " is based in 1960 as first domestic rocket base ÌÁÐ Ð-7 and Ð-7À (object "Angara"). The cosmodrome has stationary technical and starting complexes of all types of domestic rockets-carriers of a lung and middle class. At the cosmodrome construction of starting and technical complexes for rockets-carriers is conducted. Cosmodrome " Plesetsk " provides the basic part of the space programs connected with defensive, economic, scientific and commercial start-up of unmanned space vehicles.